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Exceptional SDR who can hit the ground running, and is ready for a challenge within a high paced Startup.
Our core values are something we bring close to our heart and cherish:
The customer is in the room
As customer focus is key to win, ‘the customer is in the room’ represents the mindset we focus on: we constantly consider what the customer would say to anchor the north-star in our mission and beyond.
Disagree but commit
We are comfortable and trusting with each other to always share our viewpoints, debate, disagree and eventually commit to the decision made by the chair (irrespective of their level or experience) and execute upon it.
Evolve with empathy
We are lifelong learners and constantly look to improve, grow, work and evolve together as a team while remaining great colleagues who are empathetic to each other.
More with less
We are guided by resourcefulness, frugality and the lean mindset: both efficiency and effectiveness will get us the best ROI possible.
Help us build the AI layer that enables the future of work.